CPI Mushrooms

As the weather gets warmer, wild mushrooms start popping up all over the place. There a quite a few edible varieties. Black Trumpets grow near the stream at CPI. They are delicious. They should start fruiting sometime toward the end of June. Other favorites that grow around our property are Chicken of the Woods, Hen of the Woods, Distant Gilled Lactarius, Oyster Mushrooms, Puffballs, and Chanterelles. I'll post photos of some of these mushrooms as the summer wears on.

Chanterelles, like the one pictured above, have become a favorite at CPI because they go so well with our fresh eggs. Not only are they beautiful, they smell like apricots. There are four kinds of Chanterelle that grow here: the Common Chanterelle, the Smooth Chanterelle, the Cinnabar Chanterelle, and the Scaly Vase Chanterelle.
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