Thursday, August 31, 2006

Black Walnuts

There were three majestically precarious black walnut trees hanging over the cabin. We had them cut down and milled on the property. It took five days to drag out and mill up all the trunks. It was a truly awesome event.

The Cabin

Here are a few photos of our progress on building our first house. Doug and I are doing as much of the work ourselves as we can. Mike has helped out a lot too.

The Cabin is roughly 500 square feet. It is build on the original cement foundation of a one room cabin filled with junk, a pool table, and plenty of animal shit.

The first work on the cabin was done at a birthday work party for me. We cleaned it out and pressure washed the inside. Since then the roof has come off, the walls have been replaced, new windown and doors have been framed in.

We'll keep posting new pics as the progress contintues.

Thursday, August 24, 2006


Is this thing on?

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Welcome to CPI, campers!

Camp Project Institute is here for you. Enjoy!